
Kαμμένος Όλη η ομιλία στη βουλή (19/1/2012)

‘Transition to Christianity’ or Crime against Hellenism


(New York, New York) -The exhibition at the Onasis Cultural Center of New York entitled “Transition to Christianity” held no surprises for all those who are well aware of the influence the christian church has over the Greek state and its cultural organizations.  The exhibition although hosted by an independent cultural organization, was organized by the Christian and Byzantine Museum of Athens, which is a state controlled cultural entity.  So there were no surprises when we witnessed in the published catalog and on the display signs of the exhibit, the usual fairy tales of the victorious christians about the supposed smooth transition from the “idolatry” of the Hellenes to the “divinely revealed wisdom” of the east.

Everywhere in the catalog Hellenic Civilization is characterized as “pagan”.  The wholesale destruction of statues and Temples is dismissed as the work of a “few fanatics”.  The centuries long disdain for Hellenic philosophy and science which resulted in a decline in almost every aspect of human life is presented as a passage to a new world that simply changed interests.   The same lie is disseminated since the creation of the modern Greek state.  This is why we initially thought that there was no reason to answer these ludicrous and frequently circulated tales of the modern admirers of Byzantium.  But when we became aware of the statements made by some of the organizers in the Greek media both in Greece and in the United States we understood that we could no longer remain silent.  We could not, in good conscience, leave unanswered the ridiculous claims some of them made, nor could we let them think that everyone is stupid enough to swallow their propaganda without voicing any objection.


Οι Τελετές και ο πανανθρώπινος χαρακτήρας των Καβειριων

Δεν γνωρίζουμε ακριβώς το τι γινόταν στις τελετές γιατί οι μυημένοι τις τελούσαν μυστικά και δεν μιλούσαν γιʼαυτές. Αυτό που ξέρουμε και είναι αξιοσημείωτο είναι ότι αντίθετα με αλλά μυστήρια τα Καβειρια είχαν πανανθρώπινο χαρακτήρα. Δηλαδή μπορούσαν να πάρουν μέρος άτομα ανεξαρτήτου φύλου, εθνότητας, αξιώματος η ηλικίας! (Στα Ελευσίνια μυστήρια για παράδειγμα μπορούσαν να λάβουν μέρος μονό Έλληνες ελεύθεροι πολίτες). Άνδρες και γυναίκες, δούλοι και δουλοπάροικοι, αλλοεθνείς, και αλλόπιστοι ήταν δεκτοί ενώ θεμελιώδης σκοπός των μυστηρίων αυτών ήταν η ηθικοποίηση του ανθρώπου. Με τη μύηση τους αναλάμβαναν ηθικές και κοινωνικές υποχρεώσεις και ο Διόδωρος ο Σικελιώτης λέει ότι «οι μυούμενοι εγίνοντο ευσεβέστεροι, δικαιότεροι και κατά πάντα καλλίτεροι».


Επιστολή της Οργάνωσης Θύρσος -Έλληνες Εθνικοί προς το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού σχετικά με την ανακοίνωση ενοικίασης των Ιερών μας Τόπων

Αθήνα 19-01-«12»

Προς Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Τουρισμού
Κοινοποίηση: Γραφείο Υπουργού, Γενικού Γραμματέως

Μαθαίνοντας από τα ΜΜΕ ότι αποφασίσατε να προχωρήσετε σε «ενοικίαση» των Ιερών μας Τόπων οι οποίοι μάλιστα από εσάς κοστολογούνται ως «ήσσονος» ή «ελάσσονος» σημασίας με διαφορετική αναγραφόμενη τιμή ενοικίασης-κάτι που δείχνει δυστυχώς
πόσο παντελώς ανίκανοι είστε να αντιληφθείτε ότι π.χ. η Αρχαία Ολυμπία δεν είναι «ανώτερη» ή «κατώτερη» εν συγκρίσει με τα υπόλοιπα Ιερά των Ελλήνων, και εντός της Ιστορίας -και της ενάντια στο διεθνιστικό και κερδοσκοπικό πείσμα σας- Ζώσας Παράδοσής μας, σας γνωστοποιούμε ότι ως συγκροτημένη συλλογικότητα Πολιτών, δεν μπορούμε να σας θεωρούμε πλέον ως άξιους οποιασδήποτε ικανότητας εκπροσώπησής μας ως Ελλήνων Πολιτών, και φυσικά αρνούμαστε να σας ζητούμε την.. άδεια, πόσο μάλλον να σας πληρώνουμε και από πάνω για να φωτογραφίζουμε και να διακινούμε εικόνες από τα Ιερά των Θεών μας, διαδίδοντας πληροφορίες για την Παράδοση των Ελλήνων με οποιαδήποτε μη κερδοσκοπικά μέσα μας είναι εύκαιρα. Και έτσι σκοπεύουμε να πράξουμε.


Funding governments without using taxes

By P.M. Lawrence
This subject was raised in an article by Thom Riddle in The Ethical Spectacle of February 2004. It's worth looking deeper at the theoretical structures available for this, confirming our understanding by looking at actual historical cases then making some practical suggestions for today.
Pretty obviously "printing money" can fund a government without using taxes, sort of; when paper money was invented many governments tried it and found out the problems the hard way. It's just that if you only do that you rapidly get two problems: the money gets worthless in its own right, and you can't get people interested in your own paper - worthless a different way. Nevertheless, it has been done quite deliberately on occasion, usually in times of breakdown of more conventional approaches. In "News from Tartary" Peter Fleming records that when a 1930s Chinese warlord took over a town his priority was securing the mint, not the armoury. So printing money works, it's just that you need to do something else as well to have something workable over the long term. Keynesian economists even find it convenient to think of the printing money side of things as the main part, with taxes just a way of undoing the problems - to them, taxes aren't important at all.

Is the Income Tax a Form of Slavery?

by Steven Yates and Ray E. Bornert II
Slavery, we are reminded incessantly these days, was a terrible thing. In today’s politically correct society, some blacks are demanding reparations for slavery because their remote ancestors were slaves. Slavery is routinely used to bash the South, although the slave trade began in the North, and slavery was once practiced in every state in the Union. Today’s historians assure us that the War for Southern Independence was fought primarily if not exclusively over slavery, and that by winning that war, the North put an end to the peculiar institution once and for all.
Whoa! Time out! Shouldn’t we back up and ask: what is slavery? It has been a while since those ranting on the subject have offered us a working definition of it. They will all claim that we know good and well what it is; why play games with the word? But given the adage that those who can control language can control policy, it surely can’t hurt to revisit the definition of slavery. There are good reasons to suspect the motives of those who won’t allow their basic terms to be defined or scrutinized.

Tax Slavery

The only good tax is no tax. Why? How would we fund government without taxes? Those are good questions to ask. But first let's understand what taxes are.
Throughout most of history, governments--usually monarchies headed by kings, emperors, pharaohs and other major or minor tyrants--actually owned everything under their rule, including, believe it or not, the people. In those regimes the population had been regarded subjects, not citizens.
That means that the people were treated as the underlings, subjected to the will of the ruler. In these social systems the institution of taxation was a cruel measure of outright subjugation, perpetrated by rulers upon their subjects. Because the rulers owned everything, when the subjects lived on the land owned by the rulers, they had to pay for this privilege.